Inspirational quotes

A collection of quotations that have inspired, informed and influenced my research, and have evolved through my research, that have left imprints on my heart and mind, and expanded my thinking in ways that I couldn’t imagine.

In the busy world of healthcare, there is barely time to listen deeply to the sense that leaders are making sense of public engagement – and the ways that they are not making sense of public engagement - even to themselves.
— Rachel Hawley, 2021

“Dream - believe - dare - do.”

– Capodagli and Jackson, Walt Disney philosophy (1999)

My childhood dream of becoming a nurse resonates with Walt Disney’s four-pillared principles – ‘dream – believe – dare – do’ – perhaps reflecting a quiet determination. The Disney Way – my first leadership book, opened the magic for me. It was a gift – of dreaming big, of believing in my dreams, of daring to take risks, and of doing it. Over two decades later these principles remain close to my practice.

The biggest enabler for the research that I have done is absolutely the desire for it to make a difference – and that’s why it is so important that I am here – it’s not a career researcher journey, this has just been my journey - and its the spirit of being able to continue the conversations, and finding ways of making connections that matter so much.
— Rachel Hawley, Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference, 2022

“Development is like a journey from the familiar to confusion, adventure, great highs and lows, towards a world where nothing is different, but all is transformed.” 

– Deloz (1986)

Consistent with Deloz I am uneasy with an objectivity that I doubt exists. Perhaps that is why, I have found the metaphor of journey particularly useful for understanding my own experience as well as that of others.

When you follow your true north, you create new opportunities, meet different people, have different experiences and create a different life.
— Robinson, 2011

“You can’t get to courage without rumbling with vulnerability.” 

– Brené Brown, Embrace the stuck

Integrity is choosing courage over comfort. It’s choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast or easy , and its practising with your values, not just professing them.
— Brené Brown

“Fear is nothing to be feared.” 

– Scpancer (2017) 

As with any behaviour we want to change we have to ‘build the muscle’ for cultivating collaborative relationships in healthcare. It’s uncomfortable. It needs our willingness to tap into values, courage, and experience, valuing professional experience and lived experience in equal measure.

Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.
— Brené Brown

“Attitude is everything.”

– Keller (200X)

Attitude is described by Jeff Keller as ‘the mental filter to our world’. Some people see the world through a filter of optimism. Others see the world through a filter of pessimism. The person with a negative attitude sees limitations. The person with a positive attitude see possibilities. Keep your window to the world clean.

The three small words, ‘attitude is everything’ helped to give me the confidence to follow my path. In the autumn of 2007 Change Comes From Within Consulting was founded. 

The philosophy of ‘making every conversation count’ emerged from my work – it reflects my commitment to the view that through open and creative dialogue, coaching (staff and patients) can open new opportunities for cultivating collaborative relationships in healthcare.
— Rachel Hawley, 2015

“Alice...peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures and conversations in it, “and what is the use of a book" thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?" 

– Carroll (1955, p.3)

Wise Alice knew that texts, such as my doctoral thesis have to capture hearts, imagination and spirit, as well as mind to communicate. 

The starting point for cultivating collaborative relationships in healthcare is not with process but rather a focus on ‘self-discovery.
— Rachel Hawley, 2021